Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Working Autumn with Boris the pig

Took autumn out to my friends last sunday for a work out as she hadn't been out and about much since I had my miscarriage so she was feeling rather good with all the grass and no riding....and Boris my friends Kune Kune pig thought that he would just come and hang with me int he arena but he was actually a bit of a pain...he is kinda cute for a pig and considering I don't like pigs thats saying something...lucky for me Autumn actually quite likes Boris so it wasn't really a problem and to be honest he seems to have a calming effect on my horse...autumn was worried about the new mounting block that sarah has purchased well Boris just goes up and gives it a rub and autumn is like ok thats not so scarey anymore and I can trot past it now cause Boris is ok with it...funny when you trotting down longside and boris is trotting and grunting behind you!!!...

Boris even smiles for the camera

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