the other day where I graze my horse one of the mares finally had her foal. she had a little filly. the owner wasn't that impressed as he breeds TB's to sell at the yearling sales or ready to run, two year old sales and he reakons that filly's are to hard to sell. We still have one mare to foal there, and yes tonight is another very average cold rainy night an knowing horses she will probably foal in this horrible weather.
She wasn't even 24hrs old when I took this photo. Its amazing how quickly they get up and go, this little filly was doing some cute little bucks around the stall, was quite funny. My mare seems to have a pretty big interest in her as well, she really wants to go over and check her out but of course the Mare won't let her anywhere near her foal, she is a pretty good mum, I think this is her 5th foal.
Tonight I have been trying to look up feeding supplements and types of horse feeds for my mare, I think she is in season and she is definetly at the moment a different horse to what she was a month or so ago. I only brought her in July but her energy is way more than she was when I brought her. She is only totally different grass than what she was on and I am feeding her when the last owner, I think, was to scared to feed her as she really wasn't really looking that great, she was a bit to thin and didn't have that much energy, I don't want that lack of energy back I just want to be able to work with it and that energy become useful and not fizzy, anyway I think I am going to change her feed and will see what happens.Found a websire Hi Form NZ which will do free feeding analysis, so might just send them and email and see hwta they come back with.
I have a Dressage comp on the 10th October, am so looking forward to it, just got to find a babysitter for Holly, Rowan(hubby) has a wedding to do and my inlaws are going away on holiday, I guess thats life with babies.....Just hope for fine weather so I can actually get out and school my mare before the event, not much schooling been done of late more just road riding.
Some other up to day date photos of my foal...Mr Grey...
Below Mr Grey had just been wormed, he stood there like a pro while we put the syringe in his mouth but ended up with a lovely big white lipstick bottom lip, was quite cute